Assalamu Alaikum everyone!
As promised we are doing a post to show you Sumayyah's finished mushroom house craft.
After the clay dried and hardened the house was painted using acrylic paints. Here are a few photos of it halfway through the painting process.
Here is an overhead view. Air-drying clay was moulded around a glass jar to form the mushroom house.
Close up of the mushroom head. This was made by scrunching up foil, sticking it onto the jar's lid using a hot glue gun and then covering it with clay.
This way the lid isn't that heavy and not that much clay is wasted.
And this is what it looks like now that it's finished, Masha'Allah!

Close up of the door.
The mail box and larger window.
The side mushroom and smaller window. Notice the caterpillar?
We put a fake candle inside which we can turn on at night. Here's a shot through the window (sorry it's a bit blurry).
We hope you liked the post! See you on Friday, insha'Allah.