Friday 4 January 2019

Easy Peasy Orange Cake

Assalamu Alaykum everyone!
Maryam here. This week I've got a very easy recipe for you. Baking a cake doesn't get any easier than this!

90g Butter
1 cup Sugar
1 cup Self Raising Flour
2 Eggs
1/2 cup Milk
finely grated rind from one Orange

1. Melt the butter.
2. Pop all the rest of the ingredients into a bowl.
3. Pour the mixture into a Pyrex dish and cook in a moderate oven (180 degrees Celsius) for about 35 - 40 minutes.
1 cup Icing Sugar
1 tbsp. Butter
juice from the Orange

1. Mix the ingredients together and pour over the warm cake.
2. Serve and enjoy! 
And that is it! I hope you liked this simple post and that you give this recipe a go. Until next Friday, insha'Allah.




  1. This looks delicious Masha Allaah!

    1. Thank you. You know, you can substitute the orange with a lemon and it becomes an Easy Peasy Lemon Cake!
      - Maryam

  2. I want to try this out - sometime when I have an orange and some eggs inshaa Allaah.
    I don't have self raising flour, but I substitute it with 2 tsp baking powder to every cup. It works really well, too!
    P.S: how come I always get to see this post the next day after you post it??

    1. I'm glad you liked it. In answer to your question I don't know why you see the post the next day. We tend to post during the evenings, I posted this one around 9:30pm.

      - Maryam

  3. That must be why. Did you know there's a schedule button on Blogger? Again *sigh* I am going to click the Notify me button this time!I am usually not online after 9:00 as I read/draw/craft/play-with-my-sister. Lol
