Friday 7 December 2018

Vegan Strawberry Muffins Recipe

Assalamu Alaikum!
It's Hanifah here. Alhamdulillah, after some trial and error I have come up with this simple recipe for vegan muffins. You can substitute with any berries you like and the recipe should still work, insha'Allah. So give it a go and have fun!

(Dry ingredients):-
1 3/4 cups wholemeal self-raising flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. Himalayan rock salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder
(Wet ingredients):-
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup almond milk
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
(Fresh fruit):-
1 large ripe banana
1 cup diced strawberries

In a large bowl whisk the dry ingredients together.
Then mash the ripe banana with a fork until smooth.
Whisk together the wet ingredients and the banana in a measuring jug. The mixture should be around the 1-cup mark.
Pour the wet ingredients onto the dry ingredients and mix with a fork until just combined.
Do not over mix.
Next, stir in the strawberries.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius, 400 degrees Fahrenheit, Gas Mark 6. Line muffin tins with paper cases and divide batter between them. This recipe makes 12 muffins.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Best served warm with a cup of tea.
I hope you liked this post! See you next Friday, insha'Allah.

Love and Wassalam,



  1. Oh these look delicious! I'll try to get my sister to bake them as I am not the best baker out there :P

  2. I'm sure anyone would be able to make these; they're so simple, masha'Allah! That being said, if you're not comfortable using an oven - make sure an adult helps you out! Let us know what you think if you give it a go.

    - Hanifah

    1. Oh, I've used an oven plenty of times, no worries there =D
      Sure, I'll let you know.
