Assalamu Alaikum everyone!
Insha'Allah you are all feeling well. For today's post we wanted to share with you some of the drawings we have done, relating to nature and animals. You all must be aware by now that we have loved drawing and sketching for as long as we can remember, and we don't think we will ever stop, insha'Allah! These drawings are all recent, apart from a few by Maryam which are from a couple years back.
Well, here they are!
Sumayyah's Spread
Sumayyah drew a picture of Cata (our cat!) and Romeo (a neighbour's cat). Cata is white and Romeo is Grey.
Masha'Allah, she captured them well!
Zainab's Spreads
Zainab wrote the same quote in two different styles.
For the first picture she used colour pencils and a black pen.
The second picture is painted and outlined with a black pen. She used watercolour for the background and acrylic for the flowers.

Maryam's Spreads
All Maryam's spreads are sketched with a basic HD pencil. However the flowers where done with proper drawing pencils.
The big spread of the woods took days to complete!
The big spread of the woods took days to complete!
Hanifah's Spread
Hanifah first sketched out her page, then outlined everything with a black pen and lastly coloured everything in using fine-tipped colour pens.

Well, that is all for this Friday. Alhamdulillah we think they turned out nice, masha'Allah. We hope you liked looking at our drawings, and that it might put you in the mood to sketch or draw.
Insha'Allah, we will see you again on Tuesday!
Love and wasalaam,
MashaAllaah the drawings look so gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteWe love Sumayyah's adorable cat drawing, it looks so cuteee!
MashaAllaah Zainabs drawings look amazing, we love the different styles she used to draw the girls!
And ofcouse! we love Maryam's drawings! they are so detailed and pretty,we definitely cannot come to that advanced level of drawing!
We also love Hanifah's drawing, they look so beautiful and again, very detailed! MashaAllah all of them are pretty!
Love and salams to all,
H and K!!
Jazakumallahu khairan! Masha'Allah we are glad you both liked our drawings. We also wanted to say that you both draw beautifully too, masha'Allah! And of course, practice makes perfect, people can only improve insha'Allah.