Friday, 7 August 2020

Eid Table Spreads 2020

Assalamu Alaikum everyone!

We hope you all had a lovely Eid! Masha'Allah, we started our morning by praying Eid Salah at home and then played some games as a family. It was great fun!
For this post we thought we would share with you the table spreads we designed for this years two Eid's.
 Masha'Allah we all love our Mum's cooking and Hanifah and Maryam really enjoy decorating the dinning table.
So without further delay, here is our breakfast spread from Eid Al-Fitr!
And here is last week's spread, Eid Al-Adha! This time we decorated the table for lunch. Masha'Allah it was delicious!
We hope you liked seeing a part of our Eid Day with us. Insha'Allah you are all doing well and having a nice time.
Until next Friday, insha'Allah!

Love and wasalaam,