Assalamu Alaikum!
Today's post is an unexpected one, but altogether a delight! Yesterday, Maryam received this lovely handmade card from Sumayyah, masha'Allah. It was a complete surprise! Allahhumma Barik!
Sumayyah had come up with the idea all by herself and even took photos (with Zainab's help) with the intention to show you all how she made it.
So let's dive in!
You will need:
Different coloured paper
Glue Stick
Firstly, draw and cut out a heart.
Then cut out strips of different coloured paper.
(Here Sumayyah advises you cut out slightly thicker strips than she did, because it makes sticking them down easier)

Stick them onto the heart overlaying them in different directions.
Sumayyah says, because her strips where a little to thin, the heart got sticky with glue. So she went over it with Mod Podge, to act as a kind of seal.
Next choose your card and bend a thick strip of card like below.
Stick the heart onto the thick strip and then stick the other end of the strip to the card. This makes the heart pop a little.
Then decorate how you like! Sumayyah outlined the heart with a glitter pen and added some jewels to the edges.
Masha'Allah it turned out lovely. And here is the final product and the message she wrote inside for Maryam, masha'Allah!
Alhamdulillah Maryam is very grateful and has hung it up on a noticeboard in her room.
We hope you liked this DIY and we will see you again on Friday, insha'Allah!
Love and wasalaam,
MashaAllah Sumayyah,what are beautiful card for your sister!
ReplyDeleteWe will definitely try this card on our scrapbook page, InshaAllah!
Jazakumallahu khairan! Masha'Allah my sister liked it very much.