Friday, 7 February 2020

Mango Smoothie Recipe

Assalamu Alaikum!
Maryam here this week with a yummy smoothie recipe. Mango is one of my favourite fruits to eat so it is defiantly the star of the show.
Lets begin!

1 cup frozen Mango chunks
1 large ripe Banana
1/4 cup frozen Apple chunks
1/2 Apple juice
3/4 - 1 cup Milk/Plant based milk (I used oats milk)

Place all the fruit in the blender and then add the liquids.
Blend it all up adding more milk if the smoothie is too thick/slushy for your liking.
And that is all! Making a smoothie isn't hard at all, it's the ratio of fruits that make the difference. So play around with it! If you want a stronger mango flavour, add more mango, or replace the apple juice with mango juice!
Well, that is all for this quick post. See you next week, insha'Allah.




  1. Hi. I really love the recipe but l was wondering if l could substitute apple juice by adding half cup frozen apple chunks?

    1. P.s your blog is amazing and l wish you would continue posting.
