Assalamu Alaikum everyone!
In this post we will be showing you how to make this cute bird feeder out of a milk carton. We enjoy encouraging birds to visit our garden and thought that they would appreciate it. This DIY is very easy so let's just begin!
For this project you will need:-
A milk carton
some paper (A4 size paper)
sharpies or felt-tip pens
A lollipop stick or skewer
paints (optional)
mod podge (optional)
First you will need to mark the cat's face onto the carton.
First you will need to mark the cat's face onto the carton.
Then cut out the mouth.
Next cover the carton with paper and cut out the mouth again. Remember to lift the pointed flaps for the ears.
After this you can draw on the face and paint the cat whatever colour you like.
We decided to leave ours white because we were using our own cat as inspiration. Not that she ever catches anything!
Anyway, after you add some final touches you can poke a small hole into the back of the cat's mouth. Then stick a skewer through so that the birds have something to perch on. We actually used an old red-colouring pencil as an abstract tongue.
Now you can add a coat of mod podge to the outside if you like. We thought it would make the birdfeeder semi-waterproof. And this is the end result, masha'Allah.

See you next week!
The Crafty Muslimahs
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