Assalamu Alaikum everyone!
Today we will be showing you how to make this drawstring bag. This is a simple craft and only took us about half an hour to make.
For this project you will need:-
needle and thread
fabric scissors
a ruler
a pen
wool or thin ribbon
Begin by cutting your fabric into two rectangles. They should be 20cm by 15cm.
Then pin them together.
Next sew down the lengths of the rectangles using a blanket stitch. Make sure you leave about two inches off the bottom like so.

Then you can cut the end of the rectangle into even-sized strips. Make sure to cut through both of the rectangles.

Turn the fabric inside out. Take a strip from each rectangle and tie them together into a knot. Repeat until all the strips are knotted. There should be an even number.
Now, using the wool, do a simple running stitch along the top of the bag. Remember to start from the centre (where you want your bow to be tied off at the end).
Now your drawstring bag is complete!
We hope you enjoyed the tutorial. Have fun recreating this project!
Love and Wassalam,