Assalamu Alaikum everyone!
Maryam here. Today I thought I would show you a couple of handmade gift ideas.
I enjoyed making these gifts for a friend; especially the journal. It is an altered journal, meaning I used an old book cover of mine to make it. This is the front and back.
This is the inside of the cover. I made a collage using an envelope so you can tuck things inside it.
I coffee-dyed most of the pages.
It took me a couple of days to complete and Masha'Allah I'm really happy with the way it turned out.
The second thing I did was paint and decorate a binder for her.

I painted the inside and added two tuck spots.
Again it took me a couple of days to make this gift and I really like how the collage on the front turned out, Masha'Allah.
I hope this inspires you to make handmade gifts of your own. It is not that hard to do - all it takes is some imagination and a little creativity!
See you next Friday, insha'Allah.
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